Over 25 Healthy Back to School Recipes that kids can help make by the best food bloggers from across the web.
Today we are officially back to school. It is Adam’s first day of Pre-K, and we are all so excited! Greta and I will miss him during the day, but look forward to seeing his smile every afternoon. I know he will be excited to come home (and for Greta’s nap) so that we can make a snack together, do some dinner prep, maybe even make some muffins for easy breakfasts throughout the week. Adam loves to help in the kitchen. I always find the more involved kids are in the kitchen, the more likely they are to try what they make.
As we head back into the school year, I wanted to compile a list of recipes from my favorite food bloggers that are not only kid-approved delicious, but are also kid-friendly to make! From no-bake bites to frozen fruit bars to easy snacks, fast dinners and more, this a great list to have handy. By presenting healthy options, you empower kids to make healthy choices while having fun too! …